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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>reporter>when tragedy strikes. >he went from healthy. baby. too. cody. in the er. is the last photo. of me. from right? before. i blood. to death. >reporter>strangers. become here. >people. that need blood now. my life. which only here today >reporter>but not everyone. is so fortunate. >i can't imagine. how scary it would have been. if there's like. a blood. shortage. >reporter>today. we're looking at the need for the life saving gift of blood. >doctors have to make choices about which patients can we a transfuse. and a given day. there's a lot of women who goes through a situation like mine and they don't have this happen. ending. picture.
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>liz>yeah. blood shortages are a car. concern. if we talk about them a lot recently but just think about it. every day. blood bank here in the us worry if they will. have enough supply. to save lives. and it's only getting worse. worse. the red cross said. it's seeing fewer don't now. than in the past. 20 year. but your donation could change. some life. so in the next half hour hour, we'll hear from some bay area. women. who are alive. today. all thanks to the kind of strange will have the important conversation. in just a few. minutes, but 1st here's a look at your news head. the head of the burn. unified school district was on capitol hill. today. testifying at a house hearing. on and it comes the day after the us department of edge. opened a formal investigation. into complaints. that jewish student in the school district are facing. bullying and harassed. the super tenant. acknowledged that
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there have been several in but are anti semitism. is not perv. there. >aarp. babies sometimes. say. hurtful things. we are mind. that all kids make mistakes. we know that are staff are not immune to miss. either. and we don't ignore them when they occur. >liz>she added that the district has been addressing anti so incidents. but it is not publicly disclose actions. that it's take. because student an faculty information is private. in san jose. to students at sunrise. middle school. were hospitalist because of elevated carbon dioxide. levels in a science. lab. a total of 10 p 8 student and 2 teachers. had a hard time breathing. but most recovered quickly. the fire department says it has been team removed the source. of the sea. too. officials. not specify what that source. actually was. but they think it was likely. some chemicals. from the lab. president joe biden is coming. back to the bay area. and he is scheduled to arrive to and go
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to 2. fundraisers on friday. he was last year in february. he also paid of is during the apec. conference. in november. of last year. firstly, lady doctor jill biden will all be here. she'll be cam and california for the next few days. starting in san francis. and check this out. people. repelling the great high. in san france. union square. best 30. stories. the group is from the outward bound. program. it's part of their skylar. challenge among on monday group. from outward bound state. building. whoa! the program helps students in veterans build cont. in compassion through events. in the outdoors. all right, let's get to your weather. now. hot. and dry. out. there with strong winds. in the north. bay. normally, the would have us talking about wildfires. right will meet. jessica burch. is an hour. virtual view. studio. so just how long will the winds release? a around >reporter>aw, winds have been picking up. all more. long. and
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of course. lasting. into this after we'll continue to see that trend. for us as we head into the next couple days. days with some warmer weather. right around the corner for us and so head. into the south. afternoon areas like so county stretch. all the the way up in the higher elevated areas near napa and sonoma. ordeal editions earlier this morning, we had wind speeds. up to around. 45. miles per mph. and we're still see. gusty conditions. develop. into our dinner. our tonight. all the way into the overnight hours. tonight to and then by tomorrow suddenly we're warming up. so much that we're under a month. moderate heat. risk for all the high zone. and counties on this man. in or that covers some of the east bay down in the santa clara valley and those low lying areas, and the low lying areas. throughout napa. and sonoma. county to so just keep that in mind. we have a lot of heat. around the corner. and better yet, let me show you what we have today. before. we get to that warm day tomorrow. i mean it. already war. for us. throughout san fran. sitting in the upper 70s this afternoon. yesterday we were in the 60s. so a big cont already. will continue to warm up more into our thursday setup. now. let's head all the
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way over to the coastline. 16. of the bay. that's not bad. but we're going to continue to warm up. tomorrow as well. although the way off into any of walking down in livermore. 80s. in the forecast. today. but these are low. 80s. so we're talking about by tomorrow. we'll hit the upper 80s potential. low 9 down into the santa clara. valley and off into the east bay. and better yet, let's take a look at that. and what i can expect for the rest of the week because the weekend is around the corner from us, and we continue to see sunshine. in the 4 heading into our saturday and sunday. setup. by monday. partly glad he's guys return. turned into our inland areas. and a little bit cooler weather. will accompany that too. now as we head all the way over. into the bay. closer to oakland and san fran. even daily city for that. matter. we're all expecting 80s. in the forecast. today. and tomorrow. and then we cool. down fast. into friday. with cloud or skies. close to the base. shoreline. and a longer our coastline. as well. that will be the case. for us as we have. head into this weekend. and early next. week with parts cloudy sky in the 4 by mid next week. >liz>all right. right, jess. thanks. so much. the american red cross. says there. an emerge. blood. shortage. nationwide. and it's calling on
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more people. to roll. up there. sleeves. and don't blood. donations. can help. save lives. we know that the red cross says every 2 seconds someone in the us s death needs. blood. it's vital for surgeries can tree and chronic illnesses. in fact, about 29 units. of red blood cell are needed. every day. here in the us but supply doesn't always meet demint. um mother in the north bay says donate blood. was something that bear crossed her mind. until a small amount. helps save her. son. life. are on show. has more on the day that changed. everything. and how it inspires them to keep donating years. later. >thank you. you. guys. >reporter>jordan's side knows her child. are lucky. to be alive. she thinks about it each day. moments like driving too. pick them up. from school. are ones she never takes for. granted. it's not lost on me
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that things could have gone. completely. differently. when her son ryland was only 8 weeks old. he almost died. the family was at a wedding. and riley had not. been well all day. they could tell something was right. just by how he looked. in. this picture. they took of him that day. after more symptoms started to come. them. they called his see if it might be serious. advice. nurse chatted with a doctor for a few 2nd. and then got back on the phone. and said. um we're going to to need you to go. to the nearest emerge. room. ryland had a mall rotate. and needed surgery to untwist. his intense he went from healthy. baby. too. um co in the er. within a matter of may 4. it was 4 hours. transfusion. helped stay. him so he could be right. for sir. sunday. morning. i remember this. i was out. walking the dog doctor. kerry. sullivan is a pediatric. surgeon. who are on ryland. that day. she says
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surge. on babies. always requires. special blood. and there's an ongoing concern to me. sure they have enough. in many of the operations. i do blow is cruel. to getting so. through. the op. safely. >spectrum news live at 5. 5. >reporter>jordan's knows this. surgery saved her. sons lie. and today ryland thailand's a healthy boy about to turn 5 until then. jordan's says. she hadn't thought much about giving. blood. never don't before. except for 1. once in hice. school. i can't imagine how scare it would have been if there like. a blood short. and like me, they don't have whatever he needs. needed. in that moment. 1st. birthday. they hosted a mobile blood drive. with family and friend. they continue to donate. blood, right. as often as they can. just wanted. two. make it. impact. in a positive way. in honor. of his life. it's a lifelong commitment to help others. just as someone did for
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them. when it mattered. most. >liz>coming up. at san francis. woman also needed blood when she nearly died after give birth. coming up. how she got the chance. to thank the strangers. who say her. life. add another woman who knows firsthand the importance. of blood. donation. joins us live in studio to share her - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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>liz>why if you could say thank
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you to to the people who say your life? people who give the gift of life. without ever knowing who they might say. was ryan. yamamoto. reports 1 san francis. woman. got that. chance after she nearly died. after giving birth. to her day. >reporter>when emily peter scrolls through her life. she can help but smile. i loved being huge. and taking up tons of space. joyous. specially when she finds photos of her. from 6 years ago. i was 1 of those annoying. people who really love. being pregnant. on august 7. 2000 and she gave birth to a perfect b#8 baby. girl. named lucy. remember? the light kind of shining down on her? and she was so big and so cute. but that joy quick turn dark. so this is the last photo. of me. um from right? before. i blood. to death. basically. complications from
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the pregnancy. torn artery. emily in a fight for her life. the only thing that they can really do for you in that situation is give you blood trance. at blood transfusion. she needed 32. trans. equal. to all. the blood in her. body. nine. times. over. but thanks to the doc. and staff at ucs. emily was able to pull through. and they just kept giving me more. and more and more. and that what's saved my life. ultimately. yeah. mean in the north bay kathy shoot was doing what kathy shoot. had been doing. every day. weeks. for the past. 34. years. i donated at least 10. gallons. so i want to see what a treat 5 year ago. when she got a phone. call. asking if she wanted to meet a woman who life she said. with her. donation. i just wanted to see somebody. and to know a made a deal. with somebody. and it was it was nice to see that
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and that's somebody. thanks. you for my life. just happened to be emily peters. thank you for being here. so i can say thank you to you. union of gratitude. and high 7. long. time. donors include kath. putting a face to their donation. a day. that saved a life. i think everybody cried. did you cry? i did. i did cry. so powerful. emotionally to see these people. who had saved my life. who had no idea. they had saved my life. so this is me. getting too meet my daughter loose. for the the 1st time. created one. life say all thanks to strangers. who gave the gift. of life. at a time. there's a lot of women. who go through. a situation. like mine, and they don't have this happiness. ending. picture. they don't have the photo of the family being reunited. and everything. turning out. okay. makes me really great.
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>liz>emily now travels around the world sharing her. story. and telling people about the import. of giving blood. and joining me now. is key. ad with the nonprofit blood services provider by too and sarah ended. thank you. so much for joy. us. this is such an important topic. i mean, we were even mention in the commercial break that this is the united states. and we're talking about a blood. shortage. where the most powerful nation in the world and we're desperate for blood. doesn't seem right. >>it's a challenge. it's not easy to do. to get people to do. blood. i mean, 60% of the pa. is eligible to donate, but 3% actually do. and it should. be that >liz>way. you have a remarkable story. sarah tell me about your experience. with blood donor. it really saved your life. >>it really did. um i was was pregnant. with my 3rd child. >>about i think it must have been >>8 or 9 years ago. i think he'll be 8 this summer, so it must be pregnant. this time. >liz>years >>ago. and during that 1st
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ultrasound >>they do around 20. weeks, we'll learned that >>i had a very rare condition. yeah. placenta. >>perks. rita extremely rare. >>prior to so many >>sections being done. it was almost unheard of in this country. >liz>wow. >>but of course it's becoming more calm. now. >>and >>i was told that basically had to stake >>close. >>to the hot. in case of emergency. and they planned very well. but on the day of delivery, they were very well. prepared. >>it was done >>in the trial. sweet they knew it was going to be bad. preparedness. for the word. i >>think there >>must have been 20 doctors. 15 tech. >>blood >>supply everything ready? to go. and >>even with all >>this precautions in place, i think >>i lost some like close >>to 6. l of blood. >liz>wow. >>human body only has 5. or 6. so you can imagine. 3 times. over. um >>what i her? >>was that they had just a human train of nurse.
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physically running. to the blood bank. to just try to revive me >>over >>and a 2 hours surgery was 8. hours and >>hello. >>up in the air. icu. intubated. where i spent about a week. >>and >>that's where i met my bay. who's >>now? >>7. >>almost 8 and you know? >>it was there was so much skill. there. was so much planning the >>best >>doctor. there really wonderful that top care, but >>without >>blood. the most simple basic thing. that our own body make. it wouldn't have been. possible. for me to be here today. >liz>and >>hate. hate to think about what i would have missed in my family and my children. had there not been blood. >liz>it was lifesaving. saving for you. this experience have you ever thought about giving blood or >>of course. and i have yahoo! even in my own life. being a busy parent. >liz>or >>gotten older, it's been harder compared to when you a student. it was easier. struggle with that. myself, of course. >liz>you know when you hear the stories you can't help. but ok, i want want to go to the near blood bank. right now. and give just the thought of being able to say somebody. like yourself.
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in such a critical moment. but yet a lot of people think i'm not gonna to go do it. somebody else will go do it. what do you think? is holding people back from? giving >>blood? honestly, i think it's just people are scared. and there uncomfortable. about the thought of donating. blood. but what i always tell them is just focus on on the end. result, focus. on someone's life is going to be saved by you. donation. that simple. every donation save someone's life. >liz>are there certain types of blood? that you expect? need that are really important? if some at home right now >>is >>thinking. well, maybe i should don't are there, sir? types that are that are needed. as >>most all time. types are need. there are, you know own negative. is the universal blood type. that can be transfused into any patient in a moment. notice. all blood types are need. and if you don't know your blood type. donate blood and you'll find out what your blood type is. >liz>there you go. just got you walk. us through the process of what it's like to give blood because i think it is. we mentioned that is kind of part of the anxiety >>of really >liz>not knowing. what to expect. >>the whole process. takes less than an hour. the actual don't
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itself is about 10. 10 to 50. minutes. so you go in your red you go. through a brief health. his you donate blood. you eat some snacks afterwards. replenish. your fluids. and you doing something. wonderful. your saving some life and about an hour. >liz>and give us some perspective. on just 1. donation. how big a diff that can make. >>standing next. to it right now. really? one donation. can say up to 3 lives. >liz>up to 3. lives. >>blood donation is broken into 3. def. blood part. red cells. plas. and platelets. so that 1 donation can really touch and saved. 3 >liz>lives. brings it. home, ok? so we know that there blood. events going on. on. your around. but there's is there something coming up that we can be aware of. or where people can find more. more information. how they can donate. >>right now. we're trying to make people aware that you know. of course blood is needed. every single day traumatic. events. but a lot. of people don't know that. 1 in 80. mom like sarah need blood because of childbirth. complications. we're asking. hey, it's may its mother day. donate during this month. tom.
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you are someone that you know. who's touch your life. is important. to you. donate and save some life. >liz>it's important to remember too. that, you know. if you want to do something to give back and maybe you don't have the means. to do it. financially. giving blood is a great way to do. that, and just look at who you're saying. >>it doesn't cost anything. >liz>so glad that you here. and we're working people go for more. information. your website. >>talent. there are 60 donation center. in the bay area. we do it. 100. plus blood drives commute. blood drive. every single month. it's once convenient for you. >liz>kevin and sarah. thank you. >>so much for me. >liz>here. >>thank >>you. alright well before giving blood you may want to watch. what you eat. how certain foods could trigger aside if and remember, you can watch us any anywhere. on our streaming service. cbs. news bay. area. catch all of our live news. plus news and weather. updates throughout the day. you can find us. on the free cbs. news app or on pluto tv.
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>the bay area. events. calendar. brought to you by broadway. send, though jose >reporter>what's happening? in the bay area? this week? the west coast. biggest taiwanese american seller. brings lion dance. and delicious food. services. francisco's union. sqres. saturday. valley. music festival. is back. and even bigger. with more. artists. food and fun at friends. field on south and sunday. and is the rio morena award. see the top music? theater town? of tomorrow? compete for a chance to add to a national comp. in new york. city. you won't believe that these are high school. students. show your support. with 25. ticket. at broadway, san jose events calendar. i
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>liz>researchers in japan. say. it matters what you eat. before giving blood they found. people with food. allergies could have a reaction if they got blood. from donor. who had milk. or exit. in their system. they say, kid are at the higher risk for a while. react. from transfer. and for decades. gay and bisexual. men were prevented from giving. blood. the fda and by administer. ease, though rules. last year. the fda is our ban on blood donations. go back to the aids. crisis. back in the 80. after some patients received. infected blood. there. are how still some restrictions. the most controversial 1 is the ban on donors. who take the wild. used h. prevention. medicine. known as prep. scientists say
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there rule is there because prep can give false negative. results. and screening. the red cross says. this is progress, but there's more. work to be. done to make donate. even more. inclusive. and remember. if you would like. to give blood there. are donations center. across the bay. area. this is a list of some of their websites. you can make an appointment online. it's really e. and you have to be at least 16. years old and way at least 110. we'll right back. >reporter>yeah. this is picks plus more of what you want. more of a local needs. in the morning. and the prime time it 8 and 9 p.m.. news. with feely elizabeth cook. juliette goodrich. and sara donchey. groundbreaking original. storytelling from the kpi. s news. plus spirit. politics. project earth. and weather like you. never see. prime time edition. tonight. on the news.
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pics plot. for
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coming. up tonight. on the cbs. evening news. tornadoes. ripped through the midwest injury. dozens. and demolishing. family home. and businesses. the threat of more incoming twisters. and flash floods. we've got the latest coming up tonight. on the scene. evening news.
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>liz>coming up tonight. at 5. a. california task force going after the organized crime. organizations. they say. are behind the illegal. pot market. while legal dispensaries say the state isn't doing enough to shut down. the illicit mark. that story and much more with ryan umemoto and myself coming up tonight at 5 yeah. thank you so much. much for joining. us for too. conversation. on the desperate need for blood does again. there is a nationwide shortage. and if you can help out you can save a life. maybe a few. lives. cbs. evening news is next. right here on k. local new continues on our streaming store. cbs news bay area see you at 5. >> norah: multi-day tornado outbreak. >> power flash, look at that. >> norah: with more than 50 million americans bracing for severe weather. >> it felt like all of the air came out of our solar.


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