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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> we're out of time, thank you ben shapiro, jim florentine, our studio audience. i love you america. >> good evening, i'm traced gallagher, it's 11:00 pm on the east coast and this is america's
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late news, fox news at night. >> my commitment israel, i want to make again, is ironclad, the securing of israel is critical. it will always make sure israel has but it needs to defend itself against iran and terrorist supports. they going to rafa, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used to create a deal with rafa, deal with the cities, the deal with the problem. it is just wrong, we will not supply the weapons and artillery shells used. >> trace: and breaking tonight, president biden says his commitment to israel is ironclad but critics say it appears to be weak kneed. the very same president who demands that israel conduct precision attacks is now withholding precise weapons. in the meantime, new evidence suggests hamas propaganda is embedded on college campuses with documents left behind by agitators freezing, quote, rocket attacks on sinus and arguing for a palestinian war of liberation and a war which is
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waged through an arms struggle. actually his life at the breaking news desk in new york with the very latest on this. actually, at evening. >> discovery came after police broke up any cam it at the university of texas in april. those documents, experts say our recruiting tools using students sympathy for the palestinians to introduce more extreme views. to the handouts held together by clips, rubber bands and binders celebrating the death of innocent jews and an elimination of israel and, quote, glory to gaza, one document says. arms struggle is enshrined in law and that struggle for liberation. they celebrate rocket attacks on sinus settlements. with over 2300 rockets launched last year, they also reject peace or a two state solution, saying we are not satisfied with coexistence or ending apartheid, we must liberate the land from the river to the sea r another quotes the marder brigade, a terrorist group that targets
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israel civilians, israeli civilians. we will merge upon you from where you least expect it. >> it repetitively calls for the absolute elimination of israel and israelis through violence and that is about as extreme as it gets. >> reporter: some materials source the resistance news network is a radical anti- somatic english language telegram channel that promotes hamas and islamic jihad. officials also found weapons, chains and stew will -- steel cables to barricade doors and buckets of rocks and bricks to assault police. >> from the hamas perspective, i'm sure they want to normalize themselves, they want to make them look reasonable and that they are a good organization. >> reporter: so over at the university of san diego, police found wooden stakes, metal and plywood shields, spray cans and a sword. about 35% arrested were not students, half were texas.
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>> trace: that is actually life-threatening your, thank you. it is not just colleges fighting anti-semitism. k-12 schools are also dealing with it and house republicans are trying to find out how public school leaders are handling it. the senior national correspondent is live in dc with that story. kevin, at evening. >> evening. leaders and school district in new york at california and maryland all grilled on capitol hill today as house republicans put k-12 schools under the microscope over alleged anti-semitic incidents. with some key lawmakers expressing real concern that some of these major districts are simply turning a blind eye to anti-semitism in their schools. >> one of the slides in this curriculum said for some palestinians from the river to the sea is a call for freedom or peace and cited the support from a congresswoman who was censured by this body in a bipartisan vote. you think that is an appropriate thing to have on a slide for students? >> we believe it is important to expose our students to diversity
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of ideas and perspectives. and if it was presented as a perspective i do think it was appropriate. >> from the river to the sea. one question that was not fully answer was about the potential impact of foreign funding and influencing. of american public schools which remains an area of intense interest by not just congressional but also local lawmakers, many of whom as you know, have the power of the purse to compel changes in behaviour, will keep an eye on the story but for now back to you. >> trace: money talks, lie for us in dc, thank you kevin. [ ♪♪ ] the fox news at night commonsense department understands the ucla chancellor is planning to deal a decisive blow to campus protesters. not the anti- israel protesters, mind you, the counter protesters, the ones who support jewish students. the ones who tried to tear down the anti- israel encampment in the middle of the night and ended up clashing with
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anti-semites. the chancellor is so furious with the counter protesters that he wants to use january 6th type investigative techniques to track them. like facial recognition and having the public id them. so common sense wants to make sure the scorecard is correct. the anti-semitic, provo moss put on a mask and break all of the rules protesters can go about their business. they can harass, assault, torment and prevent jewish students from entering school buildings with impunity. but it is the jewish supporters who need to be rounded up. publicly shamed and severely punished. ucla is even teaming up with the fbi, lapd and far left los angeles county da to, quote, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. he thinks murderers are misunderstood and now he wants to punish people? common sense thinks it is unusual to simultaneously surround yourself with those who dislike jews and beyond high
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alert for those who support jews. let's bring in parents defending education president and founder nicole. the co-author of stolen youth, montgomery school board candidate bethany and the director of outreach for praeger you kids. thank you all for coming on, we appreciate it. you first, since it's right down the street, ucla is all hands on deck trying to find these counter protesters who came into broke at the encampments and fought with some of the kids. they want these people and they want them in jail badly. but the rest of them can just do what they want to do. >> i have to tell you, i read the story and on a personal level, i am so disappointed and completely flabbergasted. i went to ucla and to see what happened on campus -- i believe in free speech, i'm always an advocate of free speech, i may not agree with you but i support your ability to say in this country. but we need to back it up and understand that maybe everyone
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needs to be educated about what the first amendment truly entails. that is something we are really trying to educate children about so that things like this don't happen. because the first amendment does not include violence, does not include harassment. it does not include segregation, discriminatory behaviour. it does not include the vandalism that happened at the ucla campus. i cannot wrap my head around it. >> trace: and you cannot stop kids from going to class because you don't believe on who they are. so the whole thing is in a k at the university of texas and it san diego, they got a lot of propaganda there, with put some of it on the screen here. one says glory to gaza. glory to gaza, armed struggle is enshrined in law. struggle for liberation, rocket attacks on zionist settlements. over 2300 rockets, we are not satisfied with coexisting or ending apartheid. liberate the land from the river to the sea. suddenly it seems like cease-fire was probably not the
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primary goal here. >> absolutely. when they say from the river to the sea, they mean the destruction of the state of israel and therefore the elimination of any jews from that land. it is deeply problematic and a genocidal statement and it is funny because they say that they are in favour of a cease-fire and that they are accusing israel of genocide but if they had the ability, they would be the ones actually perpetrating a genocide. not what israel is doing and just fighting a war of survival. that is all israel is doing. but if they had their way, they would be the genocidal maniacs. >> trace: they would indeed. nicole, you were at the hearing today on capitol hill. talking about anti-semitism in k-12. here is a florida, listen to him. >> some kids as young as second-grade are spewing nazi propaganda. which begs the question, who has positioned these young minds to attack the jewish people? the very need for this hearing
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is a travesty. >> trace: and we talked about elementary schools in california doing this, what did you learn nicole? >> this isn't taking place from coast-to-coast for years and years. and i am really glad that the house has decided to turn their attention to this because what we're seeing on college campuses now, those seeds of hatred were planted at a very young age. children being told that israel is a settler colonial nation, that this is apartheid. these children are being brainwashed teachers were activist first and teachers second. so this should come as no surprise and i'm glad i think this is a terrific first step and i look for to the house committee continuing to hold all of the school administrators accountable for their actions. >> trace: it is very true. they cleared the encampments at george washington university and here is one of the protesters. watch. >> they can mace us, they can brutalize us, they can pepper spray us. but the movement is here and stronger than ever, our energy has not dissipated. as a matter of fact it has come back 10 times stronger.
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[ cheering ] >> trace: are they going away, are they going to stay? will these expand over the summer? what are you gleaning from this? >> what i'm gleaning from this as a mom is that we are in a red alert emergency situation to educate back properly educate future generations to appreciate america, even though we are not perfect, to love our country and be united through our differences and diversity of thought. this cannot continue and this is the sign right now. wake up parents, wake-up educators, we need to course correct this immediately and we are doing that. >> trace: george washington university protesters put leaders on trial and this was the outcome. watch. [ chanting ] [ bleep ] get out. the people find you... guilty! >> trace: your thoughts?
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>> it is funny, they only cleared the encampments because the george washington administration was about to be dragged in front of congress. the hearing that happened today i was also there with nikki and it was -- the threat of these hearings is the only thing that makes these schools, weather they be can a garden through 12 or colleges to actually do something about anti-semitism. they have real-life impacts and thank god that george washington one which is right in my backyard was cleared. but why did it take the threat of a congressional whipping, basically for them to do that when they are clearly preaching violence? >> trace: nicole, i 15 seconds for you to wrap us up. >> i'm on a university board and i would love to get in a room with them. i have had the same demands made of us, they would love to educate us and i don't think they know what they're getting into. this is up to everybody, governors down to hold people accountable and not to cancel their student loans, "he also threw them in the mix? >> trace: good point. nicole, bethany, jill, thank
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you. in the meantime, stormy daniels expected back on the witness stand tomorrow to continue testimony in a criminal trial of former president trump. time trump is spending and that new york courtroom means he cannot get out on the campaign trail but despite that, be clear politics average in swing states shows trump leading biden and all seven states polled. less than six months out from election day. with that let's bring in a florida attorney general, ashley moody. the documents case by the way, thank you for coming on. the documents case is on hold. willis and george is in a bit of hot water and here's what she said back in february to remind people about this case. >> you are confused, you think i am on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> trace: she kind of is now. because she is in trouble and she could be tossed off this case. >> look, i'm a former judge. the attorney general now in
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florida but a lot of us that have been watching this case are not shocked that an appeals court is now going to review the lower court finding that she did not have an actual conflict. she should be on trial. the fax showed she had a conflict. so this will delay that case. there's now a four car pileup on the fast track to prosecute trump. i think the people that really wanted trump to be tried -- tied up in these trials are going oh, no,, now we will have to talk about the issues before november. the documents case is going to be delayed, this case is delayed. heck, there could eventually be a mistrial in the stormy daniels case. there should have been, the judge can grant one but there should have been. >> trace: it's a good point. because jonathan made a good point, now you have the documents case, they should have focused on one case, the documents case because at least at the time, there was a little bit of merit to it. he said this, watch. >> the more cases against trump, the less justice we receive as a
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people. the opponents of trump would have been far better off with just one case. that is based on real law, real precedent. >> trace: now in the stormy daniels case, the whole concept is that this testimony could be very damaging to the defence. >> look. you note that the prosecutor keeps eliciting details that have no real relevance to what they are trying to prove. all done to try to prejudice this jury, it appears. even the judge said the prosecutor was eliciting too much information, too much came in. i think it is a problem, i think the judge knows it is a problem that the evidence came and that was improper. i think he is trying his best to save this trial but i think many people think that the jury has been prejudice and a mistrial should be granted. >> trace: i have never seen a judge allow evidence in and then
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chide the defence for not objecting enough. the florida attorney general, actually great to see you, think for coming on. >> great to be with you. >> trace: in the meantime while trump has been campaigning from the manhattan courtroom, president biden gave a rare one-on-one interview with cnn. that is news in itself but biden also made headlines for his not so ironclad commitment to israel. we are live with more on the interview. marianne, at evening. >> good evening. president biden is promising to hold weapon shipments to israel if the country invades rafa. they have taken military action in the area but have taken steps to move gazans out of harms way to safe areas. in an interview with cnn, the president reiterating that he will not support an invasion that could lead to more civilian casualties. >> they're going to rafa. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used, historically to deal with rafa. i've made it clear in the war cabinet that they will not get our support if, in fact, they go on these population centres. we are not walking away from israel security or their ability
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to wage war in those areas. >> the president going on to say the u.s. will continue to make sure israel is secure with other defences such as its nuclear defence system. republicans have criticized biden's decision last week to stop shipment of weapons and ammunition, even after it was included in the foreign aid package passed by congress. >> this is obscene, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war that they cannot afford to lose. >> and the president has come under fire for the progressive last for providing aid to israel leaving some voters and critical swing states threatening not to vote on election day. and exploding anti- israel protest across the country putting pressure on the biden administration with chants like genocide joe heard during a campus occupation and the writing during the last few weeks. in an interview with cnn, a bit of a rarity, biden saying this is a less is more media strategy and is designed to keep interviews tight and to the point. >> trace: thank you marianne.
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it's bring in a surrogate an attorney along with steamboat institute fellow, kailey mcgee. thank you for coming on. so joe biden playing both sides, again. it just looks weak in the eyes of a lot of voters. pick a side and go with it. >> joe biden is hemorrhaging voters right now. he has lost his base and he is continuing to pick both sides. you cannot be a hamas sympathizer and a terrorist sympathizer on one side and then on the other side then say that you stand with israel. he has completely made a mockery of the united states khaki has completely destroyed the piece that we used to have under president from and you were seeing what is happening on campuses today. riots, chaos and this is all under joe biden's america. we had peace and prosperity under president from khakis talking out of both sides of his mouth is why he will continue to decline in polls because people cannot trust him. >> trace: in the meantime back to the interview tonight on cnn,
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biden was asked about the economy. watch. >> it is also true right now, mr president that voters by a wide margin trust trump more on the economy. economic growth last week was far short of expectations. it may be no surprise, it is near a two-year low. with less than six months to go to election day. are you worried that you are running out of time to turn that around? >> it's already turning around. >> he keeps saying we've already turned it around and things are great and people are buying it. it is $24 for a burger, fries and coke. >> and when cnn pointed out the fact that groceries are 30% higher than they were when he first took office, do you want to know what biden's response was? well, they have the money to spend. no, they don't! this is the exact problem. and i think about back in my home state of michigan, voters there are worried about their job security. it is starting to feel a lot like 2007 all over again. so when joe biden is telling
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them to shut up because things are just fine, they are not buying it. this is why you see him constantly losing ground in the swing states. >> it is a very true thing. speaking of losing ground, in the wisconsin polecat could be think we do a better job of handling the economy? and to the point, look at these numbers here. trumpet 52%, biden a 44%. remember biden one wisconsin back in 2020. >> i think the american people are waking up and realizing that we are less secure, even in our economic security today. we cannot afford joe biden's america and most of these wisconsin voters are american voters and they are telling us loud and clear, we have lower income, we are working two jobs to basically make a living. our food and grocery prices are the highest they have ever been. so as we continue to get closer to the selection, we will continue to see that gap widened. >> trace: and they said earlier that may be trump will not be around, over that happens. watch.
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>> i think many of them want to be close to power. they also assume or have this thought in their mind that may be donald trump will go away. maybe he will go to jail. maybe he will die, not to be two mortgage. but he is not a young man. who knows what's in their minds. they think maybe i will be behind the oval office. may be i will be in the oval office. >> trace: of trump said that they will say he's making death threats against him, it's unbelievable. >> fantasizing about him going to prison is like fantasizing about which prison they would like to see trump in, it's all just a ridiculous and it is completely out of touch with the reality that most americans are facing. the other pundits at msnbc are focused on the trump trials and the vast majority of everyday americans back in the swing states are focused on their grocery bills, their mortgage prices, the things that they can no longer afford because of joe biden's presidency. >> trace: and young people just want to buy a house and that is so far out of reach right now that they are moving out of states that are blue. thank you both.
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coming up, a liberal media meltdown over stormy daniels tawdry testimony? msnbc and cnn are afraid of something because the media experts say it is not looking pretty and they are next. and later in the night, the boy scouts of america are rebranding to emphasize their inclusion of girls. so what about the girl scouts now? should they focus on the inclusion of boys? because right now they do not. or should girls be allowed to have their own thing? should boys be allowed to have their own things? they are different, after all. let us know online. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> trace: and just hours,
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stormy daniels is back on the witness stand in the criminal trial of donald trump but if the liberal media reaction to her testimony on tuesdays any any indication, the former president is winning. back live now to the senior national correspondent, kevin? >> trace, one of the real challenges of coming to a trial like this aside from the fact that it is the first one of its kind in our lifetimes is that it is sort of like a rorschach chest -- test. it depends on how you see it. that will tell you weather or not you think the former president is winning or if he is getting clobbered out there. it all depends on your experience, your personal perspective, even your political persuasion. but this is a rare moment. a unanimity r believe it or not, many observers, especially those in the press seem convinced tonight that the salacious testimony from stormy daniels did absolutely nothing to advance the prosecution's case which is supposed to be about money and how it was characterized in the books.
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>> this is a devastating cross examination. they have got her to concede that she hates trump. that she has said she would dance if he went to jail. they have pointed to the fact that she said she will never pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars that she owes him. >> other pundits weighing in on her day in the stand. and her testimony in many ways seem to help the former president as we pointed out. with some observers describing her day, thusly. her responses were disastrous, devastating as a witness. did damage to the prosecution's case. keep in mind we are only halfway through the cross which, if it's anything like today, that could be an indication of better days ahead for the former president. >> trace: i think when he said because he started it, i think that was one of the tipoffs that it is not going well. kevin, thank you. let's bring in the host of the home podcast, the forever queen
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of idaho tv, the former news anchor along with the host of the prevailing narrative podcast , attorney matthew, thank you both for coming on. they were saying listen, stormy daniels did not do great but they are all trying to downplay her salacious testimony by saying stuff like this. watch. >> it was not so salacious, she said the missionary position and the word condom, that was basically it. yes, she painted a picture which may be none of us wanted to know of. >> it was not graphic sexually, i think -- don't know what i'm talking about, there were partially red and you go oh, what is milani you thinking about it? there were things where she got into his personal life. >> they know that this testimony has zero to do with the case, nothing to do with falsifying documents. but they are all in the same page saying listen, if the jury thinks this is sleazy enough,
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they will convict him. we know it will be overturned but if they convict him then you can always hang that label. >> she loves to be in the news sitting around and figuring out what to talk about in this situation. because it is just so absurd as you watch it. if you sat and watched the whole thing, you just felt like it was an assault on your sensibilities. and then to downplay it like that, it just does not make sense when you also think salacious seems to sell. americans are getting sick of that and sick of feeling like they're being manipulated with testimony that has nothing to do with what this trial is all about. >> exactly right. and also an msp -- msnbc, he put a little drama into his description of stormy daniels. he said this, watch. >> she entered wearing all black as if on her way to a funeral. the loosefitting, plain black clothing draping from her shoulders to her toes suggested the modesty of a none.
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the makeup was minimal, the way that she and the other mothers in her neighbourhood might look when shopping at the local grocery store. >> just unknown and a moment the local -- you have to laugh at some of this stuff. >> it is incredible, they did not learn their lesson and trying to put all their faith in these lowbrow characters, there just setting themselves up for the smash cut and with all of the fawning media coverage of these people after they are made to look foolish that you elevated these people just because they are that invested in the idea that they will be able to get donald trump and these are the people they are using to do it? they're setting themselves up to look foolish and buffoonish. >> we talked about michael, the fact that cnn and msnbc brought him on every night to just go crazy and smash brett with zero evidence and they did four months and months and months and they have not learned their lesson. back to you because we played this earlier but it is worth the replay. here they are saying you know, may be president trump goes away in any way possible, watch.
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>> i think many of them want to be close to power. they also assume or have this thought in their mind that maybe donald trump will go away. maybe he will go to jail. maybe he will die, not to be two mortgage. but he is not a young man. who knows what is in their minds. they think maybe i will be behind the oval office. >> i just get the feeling if i said may be if biden dies, there would be a big push back on me and this show, what you think? >> yes, i absolutely think that. and i also thought it was so interesting when she was talking. we talk about projection, it seemed like people could say that's a classic case of projection. because who does not think that the people that they are standing in line to be in the biden administration as it moves on her thinking the same thing. it has been that way for probably every administration that has ever been. that is a common thought that you were hoping that somehow you will shuffle in, somehow or the other but that is a particularly
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gruesome thought. it just kind of got worse as she talked. the longer she talked, the worse it got. >> it's true. finally, we had john stewart saying that biden should not be the president. he said i know liberals don't say joe biden's old, don't say what people see with their own eyes, you can say it, he says, he can hear us. >> john stewart really thinks he is going out on a laying, i think he is scrounging for some relevance. but he is just repeating something a lot of people from the democratic party want to betray themselves as courageous contrarians were trying to say it but he is really just parroting things that are safe to say. and john stewart, you start to wonder and look at him saying what are you doing here john? what is your purpose? i don't know, i don't think he knows at this point. >> he is trying to may be cushion the blow for some of the money coming down the pipe. thank you both. and the meantime, another sign that more americans are turning to faith in these turbulent times, the religious organization that held the hugely successful anti- israel rally of columbia is now at the
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university of southern california. we will take a live interview. talk live with the leader of that rally, you will join us on set up next. i'll be okay. does this look ok?! ugh. how do i protect myself? with the new scotts healthy plus lawn food. it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. want me to show you how to put it on? no, i think i know how to use a spreader. pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> by popular demand, the lettuce worship movement held pro-israel rally at the university of southern california this evening following a similar, very successful event at columbia university in new york city. let's bring an acre ship worship artist, great to have you on the show. i know it went well, i want to play little bit of sound from what you did tonight and then we will talk about this. watch this. >> this is an amazing moment right here. we have jews and christians standing together. >> trace: what are you hoping to gain by this? what is the goal? you go there, 1000 people, may be more, what is the goal? what is your take away?
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>> we want americans to see we are fed up with this rot of anti-semitism on the college campuses and that we are gathering together, bringing prayer, bringing hope. showing america a different picture of what's going on. >> trace: do you also feel like it is incumbent upon you when you go to the usc and some of these rallies to let people know that israel has a right to defend itself? this is one of those things where it is about faith and family and it's about freedom but it is also -- you have to notify people that there are certain rights and wrongs in this. >> oh, yes,, it is the god of abraham, isaac and jacob. we're gathered with jewish people as christians and saying if they have a right to exist, we are asking for the hostages to be returned. and israel has a right to defend itself. >> and when you hear the chanting here, if you were approached by an anti- israel protester, what do you say? do you have something, you have a script or do you weight and listen to what they have to say
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and then respond to that? >> we don't usually approach them, they approach us. and they have a lot -- a lot of even know why they are there, there just in a rage, they are angry, they are told to be upset and indoctrinated. but i think when they see our joy and our unity, it causes them to back down a little. >> trace: does it change minds or do you change perspectives in your view? >> i think -- here's what i think we are doing. we are showing people that there is a light and there is a darkness. there are people in light, there are people in darkness. and it is very easy when you see what we did tonight, compared to what they have been doing in these encampments, to see the difference. >> you said you will hit all 50 capitals. and you will do it before election day. i know columbia university was a big hit, university of southern california looks like it hit. have there been places where you have gone and thought it just didn't gain traction? i don't think people are buying what we're selling? >> there are places that are more difficult but i tell you
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this, the places where we feel the most traction are usually in the blue areas. the places where they are so oppressed, they are so intense, so dark and people just want hope. >> trace: is this an election thing or does this go on beyond the election and beyond that? >> it started in 2020, was a total god thing and we are just taking it as it goes. right now we're focused on mobilizing until the national mall eight days before the election. and we are praying that god is a miracle in this nation and we will take it from there. >> trace: you're a good man sean, thing for coming on. >> honoured to be here. >> we have to get behind them. >> it's been sensitive, i talked to children, sometimes killed within the first two hours. mostly within the first two days >> that's apparent worse nightmare, isn't it? >> trace: that is a clip from life after fighting, a movie but a martial arts instructor who takes on human traffickers when
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two of his students are abducted. and guess who features in the film? the owner of the boxing club here in los angeles and friend of fox news at night, eddy. if we knew you were such a big start, we would have been much kinder and giving you much more respect all the times you been on the show here. this is fantastic. congrats about the movie, tell us what it is about and tell us how you got this. >> it was a few years ago there was human trafficking awareness month and brendan foster, the writer and producer of the movie, we both posted we are in blue and trying to support human trafficking movement, be realized that none of the people in hollywood were very -- really upset about the movement, they were not promoting the activist there were always activated in this topic. so it kind of got into writing the script and bring awareness to the cause and human trafficking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet right now, unfortunately. and no one wants to talk about
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it so that was the start of where this went. and then we also wanted to bring in positivity of real masculinity and martial arts and we made this crazy action film that has all of the senate. >> the movie looks fantastic and you talked about how no one is aware of this. i want to put this on the screen because it is also important, this is saved in america, the stats. most human trafficking cases have been reported in california, texas, florida, vegas is a hotspot. 3,625,000 missing children each year. 30% of those are being trafficked. 60% of trafficked children are foster youth, the average age of a trafficked child is 15 years old. it is awful but we need to get the word out, we need to put some bright lights on this. >> exactly. that was the original thought of making this film was to force it into the light because most people just don't want to talk about it. anytime you bring it up the subject changes in hollywood wants to activate over everything except this subject. so we just took it into our own
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hands and we decided to make a movie about it. >> trace: i'm gonna play one more clip if i can and then we will have eddie's final thoughts on this. >> i five years and had surgery after surgery. but if i bet you, can you live with that? >> trace: got a chance to show your stuff there, was it fun? >> that clip was mostly me getting beat up. >> to that's the play! >> the martial arts in this film, i can honestly say will be like nothing you have ever seen. there's no sped up footage, there is no wires, this is the highest level of martial arts you can possibly see. we worked for months and months to go full speed without having to have a lot of missus, a lot of those hits were real. expect something very special and the message is incredible and there's some good acting in the film. >> trace: when his debut? >> june 7th there will be a u.s. release and in the uk there will be a theatre release here
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as well and will be streaming on different platforms, i guess that is up to the distribution. but i'm excited about it and hope you enjoy it. >> trace: great to have you on. best of luck to you and thank you. you are a good man. coming up, boy scouts changing their name to be more inclusive. good idea? bad idea? what about the girl scouts? should they be mandated to include boys? let us know why or why not online. we will read the responses, your responses coming up in theat nightcape . ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year.
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>> we are back with the nightcap crew here tonight's topic scout out. the boy scouts of america changing there name to scouting america to be inclusive with thousands of girls being eagle scout since they started admitting them several years ago the rebrand sparking interesting debate. if boy scouts are mandated to include girls should girl scouts be mandated to include boys, why or why not? >> if the girls want to do the things the boys are doing why can't they just have the girls do activities the boys to rather than integrating them. they have plenty of time later
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on in life to integrate with boys. >> fair assessment. kevin? >> just make it 1 big group you are all scouting america. i know some boys out there could sell some cookies so why not? are you kidding me. >> is a data 2 girls i saw old a lot of cookies over the years. at equally. >> mix them. if you do 1 you should do the other and i agree with the cookies as well everybody should get in on that action. >> joel? >> i will get some heat but i will keep it short. it's an attack on our culture there is no reason why we need to make children believe girls are not different from boys and boys aren't different from girls we are different by god's design what a set of these institutions where we find come router rewith each other and work together for differences.
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>> any follow-up? >> okay i so agree with you. i teach a high school part time you should go and look at the cafeteria boys sit with boys, girls sit with girls predominantly as you need girl time and guy time. yes, we can do things together let's not eliminate the genders. there is important aspects to that i agree god made us that way in the shouldn't eliminate it from our culture. >> for centuries met time does mankind understood that. all of a sudden around 2017 we monopolized wisdom understood we've been around this entire time this is ridiculous they should be single-sex and continue like that. >> boys do things boys do girls do thanks girls do they are different things this is how ridiculous it's getting so dumb any time you see a company say
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in order to be more inclusive they are done and finished. >> girls need girl things, boys need boy things they have their own things let them go. >> we asked social media which is yes on x mac 54% on instagram cable news watcher says didn't you watch the brady bunch, peter was a sunshine girl. boy scout should be boys, a girl scout should be girls equal opportunity and experience should be available. >> of course they should also have to register for the military draft as males do. >> it rid of them both they stopped teaching useful things back in the nineties. thanks for watching america's late news thank you for joiningi the nightcapng thank you for joining the nightcap as well i will see you back here tomorrow night. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now.
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